
PointerJS - Yet another JS implementation of React/Om-style data links Published on 10/13/14 about javascript and FP

This allows for a single application state to be split into digestable pieces. Give components just what they need to know about, providing a focused view of relavent data.

Backing data is treated as immutable, making shouldComponentUpdate checks trivially easy to implement. It even comes with a React Mixin that looks for any props that begin with $ and assumes they consist of pointers to the only relevant data... if they don't show changes then there is no reason to update the component.

Some examples:

var state = { list: [], person: { name: 'brendan', age: 30 } }

var $state = pointer(state, function(newState) {

  // do stuff with new state... like, rerender your app!
  // Note, a pointer is persistent here, what actually changes is underlying data
  React.renderComponent(App({ $state: $state }), document.body)

var $person = $state.refine('person')

$person.deref() //=> { name: 'brendan', age: 30 }
$person.get('name') //=> 'brendan'

$person.update({ age: { $set: 31 } }) // causes above callback to fire

var BioComponent = React.createClass({

  mixins: [ pointer.util.changeDetectorMixin ],

  /* rest of class omitted */


var App = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return BioComponent({ $person: this.props.$state.refine('person') })

$state.update({ person: { age: { $set: 31 } } }) // BioComponent will be rerendered
$state.update({ list: { $push: [ {} ] } }) // BioComponent will NOT be rerendered

This has become my favorite way of triggering App rerenders with React. I avoid mutating state, can implement undo/redo easily, and have very little trouble reasoning about what my UI is doing, and why it is doing it.

And since it is pretty short, here is the entire source:

var React = require('react/addons')

var util = {

  changeDetectorMixin: {

    shouldComponentUpdate: function(props) {
      var pointerKeys = Object.keys(props).filter(function(k) { return k.charAt(0) === '$' })
      if (pointerKeys.length === 0) return true

      return pointerKeys.reduce(function(bool, key) {
        if (bool) return bool
        if (!props[key].isChanged) return bool
        return props[key].isChanged()
      }, false)

  pick: function(data, path, defaultish) {
    if (!data) return defaultish
    if (path.length == 0) return data
    var pathArray = (typeof path === 'string') ? path.split('.') : path
    var failed = false
    return pathArray.reduce(function(memo, segment) {
      if (failed) return defaultish
      var next = memo[segment]
      if (!next) failed = true
      return next
    }, data)

  nest: function(path, nestee) {
    if (!path.length) return nestee
    var pathArray = (typeof path === 'string') ? path.split('.') : path
    var lastI = pathArray.length - 1
    var leadUp = pathArray.slice(0, lastI)
    var nestKey = pathArray[lastI]
    var base = {}
    var nestPoint = leadUp.reduce(function(memo, key, i) {
      return memo[key] = {}
    }, base)
    nestPoint[nestKey] = nestee
    return base

module.exports = function(data, cb) { 

  // all subs maintain closure link to "root"
  function subPointer(path) {

    return {

      _refresh: function() {
        var current = util.pick(, path) 
        this._previous = this._current
        this._current = current

      isChanged: function() { return this._previous !== this._current },

      refine: function(ext) {
        var newPath = path.concat(typeof ext == 'string' ? ext.split('.') : ext)
        var newPathString = newPath.join('.')
        var existing = root.subs[newPathString]
        var sub = existing || (root.subs[newPathString] = subPointer(newPath))
        !existing && sub._refresh()
        return sub

      fromRoot: function(ext) {
        return root.refine(ext)

      deref: function(orDefault) {
        return typeof this._current !== 'undefined' ? this._current : orDefault

      update: function(delta) {
        var deltaForRoot = util.nest(path, delta)
        var newData = React.addons.update(, deltaForRoot)

      get: function(path) {
        return util.pick(this.deref(), path)

      set: function(val) {
        return this.update({ $set: val })

  // build root pointer, with extra magix
  var root = subPointer([])
  root._current = = data
  root.subs = {}
  root.swap = function(newData) { = newData
    Object.keys(this.subs).forEach(function(k) { root.subs[k]._refresh() })
    cb && cb()

  return root

module.exports.util = util